Maybe you know the feeling. It all starts with that certainty in your soul, a realization that God has a path for you and not only have you found it, YOU ARE ON IT. You are tuned in, fired up and blazing a trail in ministry. Every idea is AWESOME, the ministry is building momentum, and people want to be involved..... You branch out and start a couple more things. You are tired, but excited because you can see the fruits of your labor. It makes all of the hard work, countless hours and sacrifice worth it.
I rode that train until the wheels fell off. There comes a time when you look around and you notice that the new has worn off and the interest has fizzled out. It gets harder to find help and the weight of the responsibilities feels so heavy, more like a burden than a ministry. You start having trouble seeing the fruit because all you can see is the labor. That is when the questions come "can I really do this... God are you sure this is where you want I even qualified...why can't I just quit, maybe I was wrong when I thought God called me to do I even have time for all I even want to do this..."
Don't even get me started on the critics.
Maybe I am the only one. Maybe no one else out there is frustrated and exhausted. Maybe I am the only one that questions God's plan, maybe I just willed all of this into fruition, maybe I am so fed up with it all because I am trying to do something that God doesn't want me doing after all. I need answers, I need confirmation. I feel a lot like Gideon asking God to wet a blanket, I just need a sign. I just need something real and unmistakable.
What I need is some faith. What I need is to trust. What I need is to read the encouragement God has for me in the Bible. Everything I need is right there. It isn't about me, it is about JESUS. He didn't say it was too hard and quit when God's will brought HIM to the cross.
Who am I to question HIM, what gives me the right to suggest HE may have been wrong about me, that I am not cut out for all of this. He created me, HE knows me, HE believes I can accomplish this mission. So the real question is Do I believe HIM? I do. I think sometimes I forget, but I trust HIM.
Philippians 1:6
Philippians 2:16
Hebrews 12:1-2
Isaiah 40:30-31
Philippians 4:6
Philippians 4:13
2 Corinthians 12:9
Colossians 1:11
1 Timothy 1:12
1 Corinthians 16:13
Psalm 31:24
Ephesians 6:10
Matthew 11:28
1 Peter 5:7
I rode that train until the wheels fell off. There comes a time when you look around and you notice that the new has worn off and the interest has fizzled out. It gets harder to find help and the weight of the responsibilities feels so heavy, more like a burden than a ministry. You start having trouble seeing the fruit because all you can see is the labor. That is when the questions come "can I really do this... God are you sure this is where you want I even qualified...why can't I just quit, maybe I was wrong when I thought God called me to do I even have time for all I even want to do this..."
Don't even get me started on the critics.
Maybe I am the only one. Maybe no one else out there is frustrated and exhausted. Maybe I am the only one that questions God's plan, maybe I just willed all of this into fruition, maybe I am so fed up with it all because I am trying to do something that God doesn't want me doing after all. I need answers, I need confirmation. I feel a lot like Gideon asking God to wet a blanket, I just need a sign. I just need something real and unmistakable.
What I need is some faith. What I need is to trust. What I need is to read the encouragement God has for me in the Bible. Everything I need is right there. It isn't about me, it is about JESUS. He didn't say it was too hard and quit when God's will brought HIM to the cross.
Who am I to question HIM, what gives me the right to suggest HE may have been wrong about me, that I am not cut out for all of this. He created me, HE knows me, HE believes I can accomplish this mission. So the real question is Do I believe HIM? I do. I think sometimes I forget, but I trust HIM.
Philippians 1:6
Philippians 2:16
Hebrews 12:1-2
Isaiah 40:30-31
Philippians 4:6
Philippians 4:13
2 Corinthians 12:9
Colossians 1:11
1 Timothy 1:12
1 Corinthians 16:13
Psalm 31:24
Ephesians 6:10
Matthew 11:28
1 Peter 5:7
Now what? Good question.
4/15/11, 2:17 PMSometimes I think we get to wrapped up in the work that we forget to rest in the Lord and lose sight of Him. Jesus always took time for prayer. Let us not lose sight of Him and continue doing what He has called us to do.
Great post!
So true, faith is what gives us courage to work on water:)
4/23/11, 2:58 PMPost a Comment